Release Notes - Whirr - Version 0.8.2
- [WHIRR-677] - Whirr fails to install CDH4 nodemanager properly
- [WHIRR-678] - Apache Whirr is not using my whirr.location-id parameter on EC2
- [WHIRR-679] - Switch to HBase 0.94.2
- [WHIRR-693] - Control order of actions with waves of whirr.instance-templates
- [WHIRR-705] - provide better integration between parameterized classes and Hiera
- [WHIRR-707] - RunUrlStatementTest fails due to missing URL
- [WHIRR-709] - Hadoop defaults fail to install due to version bump @
- [WHIRR-712] - should cover xvdX as well as sdX.
- [WHIRR-715] - Unit test failure in whirr-puppet
- [WHIRR-716] - Karaf itests fail
- [WHIRR-546] - Add destroy instructions to stdout for all create actions
- [WHIRR-634] - Update private IP host file entry when required by AUTO_HOSTNAME_SUFFIX
- [WHIRR-660] - provide a useful error message if whirr.instance-templates is not in a cluster spec
- [WHIRR-661] - Upgrade to Hadoop 1.0.3
- [WHIRR-669] - The whirr karaf feature should use feature version range on jclouds.
- [WHIRR-670] - Upgrade to jclouds 1.5.3
- [WHIRR-672] - Allow eager caching of instance hostname based on pre-provision instance metadata
- [WHIRR-673] - Upgrade CDH Repos for RHEL/CentOS 6
- [WHIRR-675] - Convert all whirr.env.* environment variable labels to upper case
- [WHIRR-681] - enhance puppet service with an ability to export cluster topology to the puppet code
- [WHIRR-691] - Java install to support Debian
- [WHIRR-694] - install puppet from puppetlabs repos instead of the ruby gem
- [WHIRR-699] - Fix indentation and formatting on "Getting Started" page
- [WHIRR-711] - Add security group support for OpenStack
- [WHIRR-713] - Enable programmatic use of BYON via CacheNodeStoreModule
- [WHIRR-717] - Make use of the context name in the dynamic compute cache.
New Feature
- [WHIRR-118] - Adaptor for OpenStack Clouds
- [WHIRR-671] - Create Kerberos Service
- [WHIRR-680] - add python scripts to aid ssh/scp in to VMs
- [WHIRR-696] - Whirr script for Hadoop MRv2 YARN installs that supports Hadoop-2.0.x and Hadoop 3.x (trunk) branches
Release Notes - Whirr - Version 0.8.1
- [WHIRR-641] - No longer possible to hardcode password for bootstrap user
- [WHIRR-642] - Whirr writes the AWS Secret key to the stdout. is it an unforeseen byproduct or intended behavior?
- [WHIRR-645] - Race condition between collocated namenode and jobtracker start/init services
- [WHIRR-646] - Integration tests should have failsafe timeouts
- [WHIRR-648] - CDH repo install removes other repos with same prefix
- [WHIRR-666] - Upgrade to jclouds 1.5.1
- [WHIRR-593] - Upgrade to jclouds 1.5.0
- [WHIRR-638] - Paramaterize OAB Java install
- [WHIRR-649] - Make idempotent, fast failing if already run
- [WHIRR-654] - Tell RAT to avoid checking atlassian-idex.xml
- [WHIRR-659] - Upgrade to jclouds 1.5.0
Release Notes - Whirr - Version 0.8.0
- [WHIRR-421] - Handle more role / service lifecycle events as part of the core functionality
- [WHIRR-422] - Integration tests should fail or succeed in a limited amount of time
- [WHIRR-378] - Auth fail when creating a cluster from an EC2 instance
- [WHIRR-435] - sun-java6-jdk installation fails in install_java_deb() function on Ubuntu 11.10 AMI
- [WHIRR-438] - Add new amazon west region
- [WHIRR-445] - JAVA_HOME is not set / exported by the install script
- [WHIRR-473] - HadoopServiceController.getInstance(String config) does not update instances correctly
- [WHIRR-494] - Update the BYON cluster controller to support all the operations the regular controller supports
- [WHIRR-496] - Documentation in 5-Minute guide is missing key option for destroy step
- [WHIRR-511] - Instance.getPrivateHostName returns an IP address
- [WHIRR-524] - Change confusing 'Starting cluster' message
- [WHIRR-536] - Using SNAPSHOT versions of jclouds breaks OSGi support
- [WHIRR-541] - install_oracle_jdk[67].sh fails to create /usr/bin/java
- [WHIRR-549] - Remove dependency on system SSH keys in tests
- [WHIRR-568] - Use the correct CDH version/repository
- [WHIRR-579] - sun jdk install fails
- [WHIRR-580] - install_openjdk_rpm is broken
- [WHIRR-582] - Yarn service does not build in IntelliJ because of missing Hadoop test dependencies
- [WHIRR-583] - Install OpenJDK fails on centos
- [WHIRR-584] - Change confusing ssh login help message at the end of deployment
- [WHIRR-588] - Timeouts on whirr run-script command
- [WHIRR-599] - Whirr CDH4 CDHHadoopServiceTest.testVersion() is broken
- [WHIRR-600] - Bump up CDH4 Maven dependencies
- [WHIRR-601] - Cassandra 1.0.8 download URL no longer valid
- [WHIRR-602] - Cloud providers may only return "private" IPs
- [WHIRR-603] - HBase 0.89 tests won't work with Hadoop 0.20.205
- [WHIRR-604] - Non-resolvable hostnames should be reset to something resolvable
- [WHIRR-608] - CDH HBase configuration uses CDH3 package and service names only
- [WHIRR-609] - Yum install of openjdk needs -y
- [WHIRR-610] - whirr.env.repo should be whirr.env.REPO (?)
- [WHIRR-611] - Cloud providers may only return "public" IPs
- [WHIRR-612] - CDH4 can be installed on Ubuntu now as well as CentOS
- [WHIRR-613] - OpenJDK JAVA_HOME detection needs to be improved
- [WHIRR-614] - Add HADOOP_HOME/lib to HBase classpath
- [WHIRR-615] - Use Hadoop 1.0.3 in HBase 0.90 tests
- [WHIRR-616] - Starting multiple yarn nodemanagers on EC2
- [WHIRR-618] - Site generation is unnecessarily recursive
- [WHIRR-629] - YARN tests fail on Rackspace
- [WHIRR-633] - Align jclouds 1.5.0 modularity changes with Whirr
- [WHIRR-635] - Ensure hostname update as required by AUTO_HOSTNAME_SUFFIX is consistent for RHEL derivatives
- [WHIRR-639] - /data*/hadoop should be owned and writable by the hadoop group for CDH.
- [WHIRR-640] - Recipes and tests using whirr.template should specify minRam there